List 6 interesting things about myself and tag 6 others to do the same.
I'm not sure how interesting these things are, but here it goes:
1. Kreativ spellings get on my nerves. It's not just this "award," but anytime someone changes a "C" to a "K", an "S" to "Z", etc. just to look klever or kwik-wit'd, it bugz me!
2. This is probably the reason behind #1. I love words. I like learning new words, playing word games, and working crossword puzzles. Oftentimes, I'll remember where I was when I heard a word for the first time. Is that weird? Never mind, don't answer that!
3. Before my 29th birthday, I had lived in 29 different places (counting the dorm, sorority house, and college apartments). This lifestyle caused me, like my sister, to become bored with one place. I used to move furniture around too, but with a two year-old, who has the time or the energy?
4. I love murder mysteries. Sherlock Holmes is my all-time favorite detective, but I also love Sue Grafton's heroine, Kenzie Millhone. Most of my favorite tv shows are murder mysteries: Monk, Psych, Pushing Daisies, The Closer, CSI, Law & Order, Criminal Minds, and (my guilty pleasure) Murder, She Wrote.
5. I'm claustophobic.
6. I'm hand-making just about all of my Christmas gifts this year. It's been a lot of work, but I had so much fun planning what I wanted to do specifically for each person on my list. Having put more time and thought into each present this year is going to make the giving so much more gratifying. I'm getting excited just thinking about it!

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