When I first decided on the "Paci-Free Plan," I did it with the idea that I would have at least three really hard days ahead of me. I won't say it's been a piece of cake, but I have realized that most of the the paci-problem fell with my giving it to her every time she was upset. This weekend I realized just how much easier (for me) it has been to just stick a paci in her mouth to stop her crying or to help her go to sleep in the car, than to wait it out.
Here's an overview of our weekend:
Saturday, Day One:
The night before this endeavor, I made it a point to talk about how big girls don't have pacis. I went through the list of everyone we know and asked, "Does Daddy have a paci?" and "Is Drew a big boy?" She would answer "Nooooo" and "Daddy big boy!" Saturday morning, I told her the paci had to stay in the bed. She just threw it down! No argument! She was great all day...until nap time. Once she got tired, she got really sad. She asked for her paci, and I reminded her that it was in her bed. Then, she started calling out for anyone who might come and "save" her and give her a paci. She called for Daddy (who was out of town), her grandparents, and all of her aunts and uncles. I guess she thought they would be nicer than I was. It was pretty pitiful. Once she woke up from her nap, she was fine, and didn't ask for her paci until bedtime. I was impressed.
Sunday, Day Two:
When AP woke up, she immediately handed me her paci, and we left in her bed. We visited Christ United's Sunday school, and I was pretty nervous about taking her to a new place without her coping mechanism. I didn't go to the service but went to pick her up as soon as the class was over because I was so concerned. When I got there, she had a big smile and said, "Hey, Mama!" The teacher said she never even mentioned a paci!
I'd hate to jinx it, but I believe we've gotten over the hardest part (which really wasn't that hard). The real test will be seeing how she does without it all day at school tomorrow. I suspect nap time will be difficult.
I had expected her to turn to her blanket more after losing the comfort her paci provides, but it's funny. She's wanted her blanket less! I guess it's her new "big girl" attitude. I'll keep you updated.
Here's an overview of our weekend:
Saturday, Day One:
The night before this endeavor, I made it a point to talk about how big girls don't have pacis. I went through the list of everyone we know and asked, "Does Daddy have a paci?" and "Is Drew a big boy?" She would answer "Nooooo" and "Daddy big boy!" Saturday morning, I told her the paci had to stay in the bed. She just threw it down! No argument! She was great all day...until nap time. Once she got tired, she got really sad. She asked for her paci, and I reminded her that it was in her bed. Then, she started calling out for anyone who might come and "save" her and give her a paci. She called for Daddy (who was out of town), her grandparents, and all of her aunts and uncles. I guess she thought they would be nicer than I was. It was pretty pitiful. Once she woke up from her nap, she was fine, and didn't ask for her paci until bedtime. I was impressed.
Sunday, Day Two:
When AP woke up, she immediately handed me her paci, and we left in her bed. We visited Christ United's Sunday school, and I was pretty nervous about taking her to a new place without her coping mechanism. I didn't go to the service but went to pick her up as soon as the class was over because I was so concerned. When I got there, she had a big smile and said, "Hey, Mama!" The teacher said she never even mentioned a paci!
I'd hate to jinx it, but I believe we've gotten over the hardest part (which really wasn't that hard). The real test will be seeing how she does without it all day at school tomorrow. I suspect nap time will be difficult.
I had expected her to turn to her blanket more after losing the comfort her paci provides, but it's funny. She's wanted her blanket less! I guess it's her new "big girl" attitude. I'll keep you updated.
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